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About Us
We will take the time to understand each individual, and their personal experience of their challenges. It is because we want to really understand what is going on from our clients’ perspective and to work together with them at their pace, to support and encourage positive change in their lives.
We work with kids, teens, adults, parents, families and couples to understand their experiences more deeply. Counselling, assessment and psychology services with us is built on safety and trust and we place an emphasis on being real and genuine in the relationship with our clients.
Our Psychologists and counsellors are passionate and encourage clients to trust and believe in themselves so they can make a shift from helplessness to empowerment. The Clinicians have all experienced being a client and continue to go above and beyond expectations in professional and personal reflective practice.
Contact Us
Tel: 0431 118 335
Why Psychology Is Important
One in five (20%) Australians aged 16-85 years experienced mental disorders in the previous 12 months. This is equivalent to almost 3.2 million Australians
At least one third of young people have had an episode of mental illness by the age of 25 years.
Almost half the total population (45.5%) experience a mental health disorder at some point in their lifetime